general conditions of purchase

By accepting this purchase order, you do hereby grant Aalberts Surface Treatment right of access to your facility for the purpose of audit, surveillance and/or verification of activities performed or products supplied that affect goods or services provided to Aalberts Surface Treatment by your company, at a mutually agreed upon time. Where services are provided at our facility, Aalberts Surface Treatment reserves the right to verify (audit) activities performed onsite during the course of providing the service requested. Any change or substitution to the items specified in this purchase order requires written authorization by an Aalberts Surface Treatment QA representative prior to shipment. All lab services must meet the requirements of ISO 17025:2017.
If you are providing laboratory testing services the following documentation must be included in your test report:
• Description of type of report (e.g. Test Report)
• Identification of your organization & address
• Certificate or report issue date
• Unique report/certificate number
• Each page numbered with the specific page number and total number of pages (e.g. 1 of 3)
• Description of the item/sample tested or calibrated providing an unambiguous identification
• Date of test
• Test method reference or method summary if a non-standard method is used
• Any deviations from standard test methods
• Results of the test with appropriate supporting data such as photographs, tables, graphs or drawings/sketches
• Notation if test results were performed by a subcontract facility (requires prior written approval by Aalberts Surface Treatment)
• Comments or discussion to clarify or explain reported test results
• Signature of the personnel authorized by the department Manager to approve certificates/reports (approved signatory)
If you are providing calibration services the following documentation must be included in your calibration documentation:
• Description and registration/asset and or serial number of calibrated equipment,
• The tolerance factor for calibration,
• Description, serial number and accuracy of calibration standards and/or instruments used, and the traceability of the calibration standards or instruments shall be to NIST or another acceptable National Measurement Institute (NMI),
• Temperature, humidity and any other relevant environmental conditions at time of calibration,
• Date of calibration and when the next calibration is due,
• A report of the "as found" and "as released" condition for the purpose of performing an out of tolerance evaluation,
• Statement that calibrations were performed in compliance with an approved nationally recognized procedure(s) such as ASTM, Military, etc. or as specified on the purchase order,
• Signature on the calibration report of person performing the calibration,
• A statement of estimated uncertainty where relevant.
• Certificate(s) shall be endorsed by the calibration laboratories ISO/IEC 17025 Accreditation Body (e.g., A2LA, NVLAP, IAS, etc.) or an NMI.
• A calibration sticker on the equipment, indicating the calibration/verification source, the initials of the individual doing the work, the control number of the instrument, the date of calibration/verification, and the next date that the calibration/verification is due.
If the purchase order is stamped “10 CFR 21 Applies”, at any time an employee of your organization discovers that any reported result is in doubt due to equipment malfunction, improper testing or calibration procedures, or any other cause you agree to report such information to Aalberts Surface Treatment for the purpose of evaluating the criticality of the nonconforming item.
This shall be done in writing via email within three (3) business days from the time the information is found to be in doubt.

Aalbert Surface Treatment
Quality Team

General Conditions of Purchase of Aalberts Surface Treatment a Georgia business 01/01/2012

Clause 1 Application
These General Conditions of Purchase shall apply to all acts in respect of the purchase and sale of goods and/or services (the “Work”) pursuant to the contract (the “Contract”) to which these General Conditions of Purchase are made applicable. Deviations from these General Conditions of Purchase shall only be binding if and in so far as we have given our consent in writing.

Clause 2 Acceptance of the purchase order by the Seller
Seller shall acknowledge receipt of all our orders and change orders by returning a signed copy of our order or alteration order within 14 days, unless the order specifies another period of time. We are entitled to withdraw the order as long as the Seller has not acknowledged receipt thereof.

Clause 3 Alterations and additions to the Contract
Alterations and additions to the Contract, including those as to price, shall be binding only if agreed to by us in writing.

Clause 4 Warranty of quality and properties of the Work
a. The Seller warrants explicitly:
i. that the Work will be complete in every respect and will be fit for the purpose for which it is intended;
ii. that the Work will comply fully with the requirements set forth in all orders, specifications, drawings, calculations and other documents supplied by us, including any timetables for progress and completion;
iii. that, unless a different jurisdiction is specified in the Contract, the Work will comply with the laws and regulations of the State of Georgia;
iv. that to the extent the Work is carried out on a site outside the Seller’s premises and/or sites, the Seller shall strictly comply with any applicable laws, regulations or bylaws and with any rules and regulations of our customer or ourselves applicable on that site;
v. that the Work will be of good quality and free from defects in design, workmanship and/or materials and that for the execution of the Work new materials and skilled labor will be used or engaged;
vi. that, if the Work also consists in making available manpower, the provision of such manpower and the services provided thereby will comply with all applicable legal regulations, the workmanship and skill of such manpower will comply with all agreed upon standards or, if no specific standards have been agreed to, with generally recognized industry standards, and the agreed manpower will continuously remain available throughout the agreed period.
b. If in the Contract or the attachments thereto reference is made to technical, safety, quality or other regulations not furnished therewith, the Seller shall be deemed to have full knowledge thereof except to the extent that it disclaims such knowledge in writing without delay, in which case we shall inform the Seller about such regulations in greater detail.
c. If the Seller involves subcontractors in the execution of the Work, it shall ensure that such subcontractors agree in writing to be subject to the same obligations towards the Seller and us as the Seller is subject to hereunder.

Clause 5 Interim inspection, examination and tests
a. We shall be entitled at all times during the execution of the Work to inspect, examine, test, or check the progress of the Work, including any associated matters or works, or to have these activities performed by others on our behalf. The Seller shall, within reasonable limits, provide such assistance, labor, materials, apparatus and instruments as may be requisite for the purpose. The Seller shall grant us and our agents’ free access to the place where the Work is being carried out and shall make available accommodation suitable for the interim inspection, examination or test.
b. In case interim inspections, examinations or tests are to be carried out on the initiative of the Seller, Seller shall notify us in advance in writing of the proposed date of inspection, examination or test in order that, if we so wish, we can attend or be represented at the same. If and to the extent that interim inspections, examinations or tests are to take place on our initiative, the foregoing shall apply mutatis mutandis.
c. The warranties set forth in Clause 4 hereof shall apply to any interim inspection, examination or test.
d. The costs of all interim inspections, examinations or tests shall be borne by the Seller, with the exception of the costs of our personnel or agents. If an interim inspection, examination or test as referred to in subsection b. of this Clause cannot take place on the proposed date, or if any interim inspection, examination or test must be repeated, and such delay or repetition is attributable to reasons for which the Seller is responsible we shall be entitled to recover from the Seller the additional costs to which we may have been put thereby. A similar right shall vest in the Seller if and to the extent that the delay or repetition is attributable to circumstances for which we or our customer is responsible.
e. In the event an inspection, examination or test reveals that the Work is not proceeding in a satisfactory manner or is not at a warranted stage of completion, Seller shall immediately exercise its best efforts to restore the Work to comply with all warranties set forth herein, and shall complete such restoration within any time limit submitted by us in writing.
f. Interim inspection, examination or test, or the omission thereof, shall in no way imply acceptance.

Clause 6 Final inspection or testing, acceptance
a. No Work shall be deemed accepted until we have provided written confirmation that the Work has passed all final inspections and tests, if any are applicable.
b. If the Work is subject to a final inspection or test, the provisions of Clause 5 hereof shall apply to any such inspection or test.
c. If and to the extent that it has been agreed that the Work shall achieve a warranted performance or possess other warranted qualities and the achievement or availability thereof can only be ascertained after erection, assembly or building in of the Work, then the final inspection or testing of the Work shall take place as soon as the Work or the plant for which the same is intended is ready for that purpose.
d. If and to the extent that the Contract calls for the supply by the Seller of certificates, erection, maintenance and operating instructions, plans and drawings or other documents, or for the training and instruction of personnel, the same shall form part of the Work. Notwithstanding any confirmation provided pursuant to subsection a. of this Clause, the Work will not be considered accepted until such documents have been made available and such training and instruction of personnel have taken place.
e. The Seller authorizes us to use the Work prior to the acceptance thereof.

Clause 7 Packaging and delivery
a. Unless otherwise expressly agreed to in a writing signed by us, all Work shall be delivered to us F.O.B. our place of business.
b. The Seller shall at its cost provide such packaging and/or protection as is required to ensure that under normal transport conditions the Work will arrive in good condition at the place of destination and can be safely unloaded there. The Seller shall strictly comply with such instructions as we may issue in respect of the packaging and/or protection, provided that such instructions have been communicated to the Seller in good time. The packaging shall comply with all applicable legal requirements.
c. The Seller shall strictly comply with our instructions as to the preservation, marking, forwarding, transport insurance and shipping documents.
d. We shall have the right to refuse delivery of shipments not complying with the requirements as per the preceding subsections.
e. Seller shall insure and exercise all reasonable care in respect of packaging materials lent by us. Notwithstanding subsection a. of this Clause 7, if and to the extent we accept charges for packaging material, we shall be entitled to return such packaging material to Seller at its risk and expense and to be reimbursed for the same.

Clause 8 Passing of title and risk
a. Save as determined otherwise in these General Conditions of Purchase or in the Contract, the title to and the risk of loss of or damage to the Work shall pass to us upon the delivery thereof in the agreed place. If payments are effected before delivery, title (but not risk of loss or damage) shall pass to us in proportion to the amounts remitted at the moment the relevant payment is effected. The interpretation of trade terms, such as f.o.b., c.i.f., etc. as used in the Contract, shall be in accordance with Georgia law as of on the date of the formation of the Contract, without prejudice to subsections b. and c. of this Clause.
b. Goods made available by us to the Seller for the purpose of being processed or worked on, or for the purpose of being fitted together with or incorporated in other goods which are not our property, shall remain our property or we shall become the owners of the goods so created, as the case may be. The Seller shall mark such goods conspicuously as our property and bear the risk of loss thereof or damage thereto until the same has been delivered to us.
c. If the Contract calls for the erection or assembling, or the supervision of the erection or assembling, or the testing or commissioning of goods placed at the disposal of Seller by us, the risk of loss of or damage to such goods shall be borne by the Seller from the moment the same are made available to him until the date of acceptance by us of the Work. If the Seller has undertaken to deliver the goods at the building site and to erect or to assemble them or to supervise the erection or assembling of the same on that site, the risk of loss of or damage to said goods shall continuously be borne by him until the date of acceptance of the Work.
d. The Seller shall obtain insurance coverage for all risks borne by the Seller herein, and shall provide to us certificates of, the following insurance coverages: (i) worker’s compensation insurance with statutory limits and employer’s liability insurance with limits of at least $500,000; (ii) commercial general liability insurance having a limit of at least $2,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage, including but not limited to products and completed operations liability, owner’s and contractor’s protective, blanket contractual liability, personal injury liability, and broad form property damage and explosion; (iii) comprehensive automobile liability insurance having a limit of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage, including but not limited to coverage for owned, hired and non-owned automobiles and contractual liability. This insurance shall be primary for all purposes and shall contain standard cross liability provisions. All insurance policies shall be endorsed to add Buyer as an additional insured, except for workers compensation and employer’s liability policies, and shall include waivers of any right of subrogation of the insurers against Buyer, its officers, directors, employees and subcontractors of all tiers.

Clause 9 Date of delivery
a. Time is of the essence as to all parts of the Contract and these terms.
b. Except in cases of force majeure of which the Seller shall have given us notice and exercised its best efforts to remedy, if the Seller fails to comply with any terms as to timing, we shall have the right, without serving a formal notice of default and without requiring the consent of any Court, to terminate the Contract whether in whole or in respect of the uncompleted part thereof, at our option, and to have the remaining work carried out by third parties at Seller’s expense, without prejudice to any other rights we may have.
c. As soon as circumstances (whether or not the result of force majeure) arise or can be foreseen which impede or may impede, as the case may be, the Seller in fulfilling his obligation to deliver or complete any portion of the Work on the agreed date, he shall notify us thereof in writing without delay, stating the nature of such circumstances, the remedies steps taken by him or proposed to be taken by him and the probable extent of the delay.

Clause 10 Warranty to remedy defects
a. Unless a different warranty period is agreed to in writing, the Seller warrants the Work against all defects which may appear or occur for a period of 12 months from the later of the date of acceptance or putting into use of the Work or of the plant for which the Work is intended. The Seller shall remedy such defect at his choice, either by repairing or by replacing the defective Work or any defective part thereof with all possible speed and in any case within such reasonable time limit as we may fix by written notice.
b. In addition the Seller shall bear any costs that may have to be made to accomplish the remedial work for which the Seller is responsible pursuant to subsection a. above, including but not limited to the costs to be incurred for mounting and dismounting, transport etc.
c. If the Seller fails to comply properly or within the time limit fixed by us with the obligations set forth above, and also in cases of emergency, we shall have the right, upon prior notice to the Seller, to carry out or have carried out the necessary actions at the Seller’s risk and expense.
d. The warranty period set forth in subsection a. of this Clause shall be extended by a period equal to the period during which the Work or the plant for which it is intended, as the case may be, cannot be put to the use intended in consequence of a defect for which the Seller is responsible hereunder. As to any replaced or repaired work, said warranty period will recommence from the date that the repaired or replaced parts are put into use.
e. The title to, and the risk of loss or damage to parts replaced in pursuance of the preceding subsection a. shall be vested in the Seller as from the date of replacement; he shall remove such parts without delay, unless we request him to make the replaced parts available to us for examination.
f. The Seller shall bear all risks of loss or damage to the auxiliary equipment and tools used by him in the execution of the Work unless it appears from the circumstances of the case that we have been guilty of gross misconduct.

Clause 11 Indemnity
a. The Seller shall indemnify us against all damages, costs, and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, resulting from claims from third parties in respect of defects in or otherwise related to the Work or the Contract, including claims resulting from the acts or omissions by Seller or its servants or subcontractors.
b. If applicable laws require the Seller to be liable for payment of social security contributions, income taxes etc. for his employees, including temporary employees and subcontractors, the Seller shall indemnify us against our liability towards our customer or third parties for nonfulfillment by Seller or his subcontractors of their obligation pursuant to the relevant laws.

Clause 12 Property, risk and care of auxiliary items, drawings etc.
a. Any auxiliary items such as drawings, patterns, molds, dies, gauges or specific equipment required for the execution of the Work, made available by us to the Seller or manufactured or procured by him at our expense shall be, remain or become our property.
b. The Seller shall keep these auxiliary items in good condition, mark them conspicuously as our property and bear the risk of loss of or damage to the auxiliary items until they shall have been delivered to us.
c. The Seller shall not without our prior written consent use for other purposes, copy or multiply such auxiliary items, nor shall he in any way disclose or surrender them to third parties.

Clause 13 Assignment of rights and obligations
The Seller shall not assign the Contract or any part thereof or any benefit, obligation or interest therein or thereunder without our prior written consent. Such consent, if granted, shall not relieve the Seller from any of his obligations under the Contract.

Clause 14 Cancellation and termination
a. If the Seller does not adequately fulfill his contractual obligations and in case he becomes bankrupt or has applied for a moratorium or commences to be wound up, we shall be at liberty to terminate the Contract in whole or in part without serving a formal notice of default and without requiring the consent of any Court, and we shall not thereby become liable for damages to the Seller and that such cancellation shall be without prejudice to any other rights we may have. Without prejudice to the preceding paragraph, we are entitled at all times to cancel the order in whole or in part. In such a case, we shall only compensate the Seller for the costs he incurred before the actual cancellation, plus a reasonable amount covering overhead costs and loss of profit for the completed portion of the Work.
b. In any of the events referred to in subsection a. above, any debts the Seller may owe us shall become due forthwith and in full.

Clause 15 Price and payment
Save as provided otherwise in the Contract, the price agreed with the Seller by us shall be firm and binding. Any increase or reduction in work will only be recognized by us, if it has been laid down in writing. Payment shall be Net 60 days from date of invoice.

Clause 16 Compensation
We shall have the right to offset any money obligations owed by the Seller to us or any other subsidiary companies of Aalberts Surface Treatment against any money obligations we owe to the Seller.

Clause 17 Infringement of patents, licenses etc.
The Seller warrants that the Work does not constitute an infringement of any industrial or intellectual property rights of third parties and shall indemnify us against claims in this respect, save to the extent that such claims have arisen from the use of a design specified by us.

Clause 18 Secrecy
In the widest possible sense, the Seller agrees to maintain the strictest secrecy towards third parties in respect of all information about our Company, the Contract, and the Work, including information about instructions, patterns, drawings, schedules, designs and the like, and shall not, without our prior written consent, disclose in any manner the existence of the Contract to third parties.

Clause 19 Arbitration
All disputes (including those regarded as such by only one of the parties) arising out of or in connection with the Contract or other contracts arising therefrom shall be resolved by binding arbitration, held in the State of Georgia pursuant to the Commercial Rules of the American Arbitration Association. We shall appoint one arbitrator and the Seller shall appoint another, and the two arbitrators so selected shall select a third arbitrator. Each arbitrator shall be selected from a list of arbitrators approved by the American Arbitration Association. The selected arbitrators shall together hear the parties and settle the dispute, awarding such relief, which may include costs and expenses shall in no event include punitive or exemplary damages, as they may deem appropriate.

Clause 20 – Remedies and Survival
Any and all remedies set forth herein shall be cumulative and not exclusive of one another or of any other remedies we may have in equity or at law. Except to the extent the context clearly implies otherwise, all provisions set forth herein (including those as to warranties and indemnification) shall survive any termination of the Contract.

Clause 21 Applicable law
Except as otherwise specifically set forth herein, the Contract and all contracts arising therefrom shall exclusively be governed by the laws of State of Georgia. The provisions of the Vienna Treaty of April 11, 1980, treatise sheets 1981,84 and 1986,61 are specifically excluded.

Clause 22 Export Compliance
Seller, by accepting these General Conditions, is providing its written confirmation and assurances that none of our property will be provided by Seller to any third party countries or nationals thereof unless authorized in writing by us and the applicable United States of America export control laws or regulations, including but not limited to the U.S. Export Administration Regulations and the U.S. International Trafficking in Arms Regulation.

Timothy Justice
Aalberts Surface Treatment
June 22, 2020

Aalberts Surface Technologies
220 Fairburn Industrial Boulevard / Fairburn, GA 30213
​​T +1 770 969 9191 / F +1 770 969 9192 / /